Monday, November 19, 2012

And so it begins again...

I should probably email the administrators and ask them to remove this only serves as a reminder of how crap I am at blogging with any regularity. The last post on this blog was like 9 months ago...I could have had a baby in that time, but I leave that joy to my sister in law, Meg...I have had enough children, I have done my bit and that's all there is to that.

I looked at my last blog entry and suprise, suprise, I was on a weight loss seems my life has been one long weight loss which I am obviously not done yet. The good news is I am not really any heavier than I was when I started boot camp (which I pyked out of three sessions in because I blew out my knee) of course the reverse is that I am around the same weight as I was a year ago when I started boot camp...enter my new insanity...I actually PAID money for an excercise and weight loss program...the 12 Week Body Transformation CHallenge run by Michelle Bridges.

At first I was going to remain silent about my participation, and then just bask in the adoration of the masses as they noticed the massive transformation of me and my body, my mental state and my general awesome-ness 12 weeks later. I admit I was afraid because I didn't want to have one more failure publicly added to my list of other weight loss failures...but then I decided, in for a penny, in for a pound...or 130 kilos as the case may be, give or take a kilo or two.

On Saturday I dutifully did the 'clean all the crap out of your kitchen' pre season challenge, and on Sunday I ran/walked a kilometer (well walked it in pain mostly) and did some pushups (on my knees) as well as a sit and stretch test, a sit against a wall test and the dreaded sit-up test (which in my case ended up being more of a case of lay on the ground and pretent you actually have an ab muscle or two)  Had a had a bag of potato chips left in my house for Doug to wave by my feet in hopes that I could actually sit up from a lying position, I reckon I still wouldn't have made it.

Anyway my stats were 9min20sec for the 1km, no sit ups, 27 (knee) push ups, 20 seconds sitting on the wall and a -15cm stretch (though I would like to state here I don't think it was the lack of leg stretch ability that caused this abyssmal result, I think it was my fat stomach preventing me from getting any more 'bend' out of my body).

And so Doug and I headed off to the grocery store with the very large grocery list that includes a heap of herbs, so I got those potted at bunnings to make my life not so expensive, a kilo of freaking ricotta cheese, lots of veg, and quite a few wraps too.

This mornign I dutifully ate my porridge (I don't do untoasted muesli) with grated apple and cinnamon (as opposed to my normal maple syrup or brown sugar) and then got ot making lunches. My awesome kids are taking this whole thing on board so they have decided we will all eat my meals, and they will try new things...I made lunches (ham, cottage cheese, corn relish, sprouts, cucumber etc) and thought to myself 'damn this is a heap of food.'  Turns out, and please note it wasn't until dinner that I realised each recipe serves in essence, we ate WAY too much food officially I start tomorrow.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A New Day in the Life of...

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life..."

I actually really hate this saying...I am not a big fan of stating the obvious. As a primary school teacher, other than parental expectation that you parent their child, requiring you to teach their children all of the values that parents USED to teach their children, this is something I find myself doing because let's face it, young children need the obvious stated over and over in order for it to become a habit. "Mrs Jackson, it's math hour. Do we need our math books?" D'uuuhhhh.

Anyway, today is the day I start for what is probably the milionth time, a diet and excercise program in order to improve my health and fitness. I was appalled to step on the scale today to see I have gained 10 kilos in the past 18 months. I knew the weight was creeping back up on me but I didn't like to see the scale tick over another ten kilos...130.3 kilograms...yikes.

By all accounts I have been overweight for years, and topped the scale a couple years ago at 139.9 kilos. Swore I'd never hit 130 again when I lost that first 10 kilos...oh well, best intentions. Today is the day I start back at it...and how do I choose to do this...healthy eating and excercise...and not just any excercise...a freaking boot camp!!!! Yep you heard me...body punishing fitness in a park with a group of fit excercise nazis...I can only pray that the instructor's promise to 'take care of' me," means that he'll help me out when it gets tough and help me through when my mind is telling me I can't do it...not MUWAHAHAHA, I'm going to punish you and make you go until you puke. Either way, Neisha will be there by my side, likely making me laugh until I puke, so I guess as long as the food intake is going outwards it can only be positive (please note I am not advocating puking as a way of losing weight in any way shape or form.)

So anyway, I have just eaten a bagel and a cup of unsweetened tea (not enjoying this already) and am going to grab a banana on the way out the door and I look towards this evening with anticipation and excitement, and a healthy dose (I hope) of "deer in the headlights" fear.

Have a great day!

Blogger Extraordinaire I Declare I am not!

Once in awhile it hits me that I have a blog out there somewhere in cyberspace, and to get there I always have to do a google search on "I suffer from SMS Shaken Mother Syndrome" and it comes up, live and well, and still proof that nothing on the Internet ever dies. I couldn't possibly write about everything that has happened in my life in the past 8 months...and perhaps if I put a daily reminder in my phone I'll remember to blog once in here's the short version.

June 2011 - moved back into our house after the great ceiling collaps of 4 Feb 2011...skip forward 7 months and you'll still find a garage full of crap I don't know what to do with and should probably just chuck in the bin.

June 2011 - my eldest son became an official 'pre-teen' and had his 12th birthday. Skip forward 7 months and he's full of testosterone building up in his system that his sensitive side can't deal with and he's mean and cantankerous and driving his parents nuts...but this storm too shall pass.

17 July we commemorated the first anniversary of the death of my Mother-In-Law, Catherine. She was an odd duck whose heart was bigger than her brain but we loved her and still miss her daily.

8 August Doug and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary in true 'us' style...watched some tv, played on Facebook and went to bed at separate times of the evening. We do truly love each other but life is so exhausting on all fronts for us and we are more of the celebrate the little wins daily rather than worry about the big holidays we are suppposed to declare our love on type people...not to mention we just can't be bothered to get off our butts to plan anything and if we did plan it we probably couldn't afford to do it anyway.

I got my first smart phone at some point in August or September...The Galaxy S2. I have never purchased a mobile phone, all of mine have been hand me downs, so I wanted to do it right. The Apple platform fails to impress me on many an occasions (though it does have some nifty stuff) so I thought I would be happier with the S2. I was right, it's a rockin' phone and I love every little thing about if I could just get if off my kids long enough to play my own damned games or make phone call :)

Early September I suffered a workplace injury while coaching my Year 5/6 Softball team to a 3rd place victory at the third level of competition. After getting hit in the shoulder by a bat, and the neck by a fairly well hit ball, I did myself in while telling the bus driver he was driving the wrong way, the proceded to twist my knee while getting back into my seat on the wet floor and one wrong turn saw me on crutches for 8 weeks.

September saw Oscar (my 5 year old) and I take our first Mummy/Son trip to Canada.There are many things to be said about taking a 5 year old on a 35 hour plane journey while on crutches, but in the end, Oscar was amazing...even carrying both his and my bags at some points during the trip. Oscar had never been to visit my home before and we had so much fun spending time with his grandmother, Bubby Carol, his grandfather and his wife, Grampy Joe and Natalie, his Uncle Steve and Aunt Janet and his cousins Owen and Joel. I truly miss Canada but am so glad I am not there when it snows.

In November I found out that I was going to be unemployed in 2012 as there were no jobs at my school available for the following year...luckily it didn't take long to find a new job and I am loving my new role at a new primary school teaching Year 3/4. It is a smaller school, it is a more established school, my team is incredible and so far so good, my kids are pretty great.

In December I experienced something totally camp with 50 10 and 11 year olds...holy hell batman, what did I get myself into? It was actually a lot of fun and we really did enjoy ourselves.

December also saw the arrival of my Mom, Carol for an incredibly fun, though at times trying 10 weeks. My mother has many complaints about me, she came at a time when I was under incredible stress and therefore worried about me, but we all came through it and this morning she departed back to Canada to face her tiny apartment and the silence that reigns when you do not have 3 crazy kids around and two parents trying to keep the peace all of the time. I truly love my mom and appreciated all she did while here...

And that brings us to today. Writing in my blog to procrastinate finishing up my planning for this week's lessons at school. Let's see where I can go from reminder set.