Friday, June 18, 2010

Nothing prophetic for my first post thank you...

I do not intend this blog to be prophetic, nor do I intend it satirically. I am not looking to change the world, but in the event that something from this blog does change a small bit of your world, or mine, I hope it's for the better.

I am not a wordsmith, I am not a writer, I am of average intelligence and I have some grasp of the basic rules of grammar, and as my friend Soph says, once you know the rules of good grammar you are permitted to abuse them, and not until then (as we both tell our 10 year olds).

Yes I am aware that was a rambling will see that a lot. I mean if I create an academic essay for actual grades in an attempt to get my degree, and one of the most seen comments from lecturers is 'this sentence is too long and rambling,' what makes you think this blog will be any different? It won't be, I promise.

An introduction to me would be entirely too long and boring. If you want to suss me out then you'll just have to read my blog more often. Your first task is to decipher the kind of person I may or may not be...I am going to drop my 10 year old son off at the Scout Hall. G is really looking forward to Scout Camp, N is looking forward to not having to share the new video game. O really doesn't know what's going on. Mum and Dad are really looking forward to the peace and quiet that one less child in the house brings.

On my way home I going to buy the fixings for a big 'ol pot of homemade chicken soup (though I am cheating and buying the broth today). I am Jewish by birth, and although I tend to ignore most of my Jewish heritage because I mean, let's face it, who really wants a life free of bacon (especially when cooked Jennie style) and good quality Italian pork sausages. My friends are sick, we are getting sick and chicken soup IS the age old remedy, across cultures...what makes my chicken soup Jewish is the matzo balls. I admit I can probably find matzo meal in Melbourne and could painstakingly construct the matzo balls using schmaltz (that is the fat fried off of the skin and fat of chicken) but I am a lazy Jew and I buy the matzo ball mix imported by USA Foods. Add water, ball up and chuck it in the soup. I am then delivering said soup to my stomach and to friends in need. So it's 5.17 pm. I am not going to reread this and edit it and make it look pretty. I am posting it...and then I am going to take stock of what's in my fridge, then I am going to make a shopping list and then I am going to drop children at Scouts and then shop and then make some soup and then take it round to friends' places...see another rambling sentence. As I said, get used to it.